china national pulp and paper research institute co.,ltd. > contact us > headquarters-ag凯发

china national pulp and paper research institute co., ltd.

address: sinolight plaza, 4 qiyang road, wangjing, chaoyang district, beijing

postcode: 100102

telephone: 86 10 64778015


general management: 86 10 64778015

human resources: 86 10 64778011

scientific and technological affairs: 86 10 64778029

professional consultation

specialty paper: 86 10 64778099

pulping and clean production: 86 10 64778087

coating/nano-cellulose: 86 10 64778073

papermaking: 86 10 64778090

hygiene products: 86 10 64778072

packaging materials: 86 10 64778072

gasket materials: 86 10 64778081

industrialization of paper-based materials: 86 10 64778101

instrument and equipment: 86 10 64778059,010-64778157

publication, advertisement, conference, and exhibition: 86 10 64778179, 86 10 64778157
